Cannot delete Cloud Composer environment

I'm trying to delete the Cloud Composer environment that I created just to try it out. I got the following error.

DELETE operation on this environment failed 9 hours ago with the following error message: A lien to prevent deletion was placed on the project by []. Remove the lien to allow deletion.

enter image description here

But I don't remember putting any lien on it. Regardless, I check the liens and try to delete it anyway. The problem is that gcloud does not show me any lien.

gcloud alpha resource-manager liens list                               
> Listed 0 items.

Since, other co-worker are also using this same gcp project, I can't just delete the project and start a new one. I'm wondering if anyone know anything about this? Thanks

To remove a lien from a project, you must have the resourcemanager.projects.updateLiens permission which is granted by roles/owner and roles/resourcemanager.lienModifier. Please, check if you are granted.

Follow the below steps to delete environments resources manually:

  1. Delete GKE cluster, that corresponds to environment
  2. Delete the Google Storage bucket used by environment
  3. Delete the related deployments with:

gcloud deployment-manager deployments delete <DEPLOYMENT_NAME> --delete-policy=ABANDON

  1. Then try again to delete the Composer environments with:

gcloud composer environments delete <ENVIRONMENT_NAME> --location <LOCATION>

If it wouldn't help, the problem could be related to a misconfiguration with the Cloud Composer service account in your project. Service account requires the permissions that the composer.worker role provides to access resources in the Cloud Composer environment. Please refer to this documentation for more details about how to grant a role to a service account.

I hope you find the above pieces of information useful.