NFS Mount not showing in Windows Explorer

Ok. After several hours of searching Google, I can not find exactly what I need. After mounting an Ubuntu NFS share in Windows 7 via command line, it says it mounts successively. I know it was successful because I can (in cmd) cd to the drive letter I chose (in this case W), and then dir just fine. Lists all the files as it should.
The issue comes in with explorer. For some reason it will not show the new drive letter (again, W), and it does not show up in disk management.

Any suggestions on what needs to change?

I stumbled upon this question just now, because I experienced the exact same problem - and managed to solve it! Although probably uninteresting for OP after several month, others may benefit.

If you mount NFS shares from an elevated command prompt (Run as administrator), the mount will not show up in the explorer running with normal user privileges. The solution is to unmount the share and remount it, either from explorer or from an ordinary command prompt. Admin privileges are not required for NFS mounts.