I'm having trouble figuring out how to log messages with Sinatra. I'm not looking to log requests, but rather custom messages at certain points in my app. For example, when fetching a URL I would like to log "Fetching #{url}".

Here's what I'd like:

  • The ability to specify log levels (ex: logger.info("Fetching #{url}"))
  • In development and testing environments, the messages would be written to the console.
  • In production, only write out messages matching the current log level.

I'm guessing this can easily be done in config.ru, but I'm not 100% sure which setting I want to enable, and if I have to manually create a Logger object myself (and furthermore, which class of Logger to use: Logger, Rack::Logger, or Rack::CommonLogger).

(I know there are similar questions on StackOverflow, but none seem to directly answer my question. If you can point me to an existing question, I will mark this one as a duplicate).

Solution 1:

Sinatra 1.3 will ship with such a logger object, exactly usable as above. You can use edge Sinatra as described in "The Bleeding Edge". Won't be that long until we'll release 1.3, I guess.

To use it with Sinatra 1.2, do something like this:

require 'sinatra'
use Rack::Logger

helpers do
  def logger

Solution 2:

I personally log in Sinatra via:

require 'sinatra'
require 'sequel'
require 'logger'
class MyApp < Sinatra::Application
  configure :production do
    set :haml, { :ugly=>true }
    set :clean_trace, true

    Dir.mkdir('logs') unless File.exist?('logs')

    $logger = Logger.new('logs/common.log','weekly')
    $logger.level = Logger::WARN

    # Spit stdout and stderr to a file during production
    # in case something goes wrong
    $stdout.reopen("logs/output.log", "w")
    $stdout.sync = true

  configure :development do
    $logger = Logger.new(STDOUT)

# Log all DB commands that take more than 0.2s
DB = Sequel.postgres 'mydb', user:'dbuser', password:'dbpass', host:'localhost'
DB.loggers << $logger if $logger
DB.log_warn_duration = 0.2

Solution 3:

If you are using something like unicorn logging or other middleware that tails IO streams, you can easily set up a logger to STDOUT or STDERR

# unicorn.rb
stderr_path "#{app_root}/shared/log/unicorn.stderr.log"
stdout_path "#{app_root}/shared/log/unicorn.stdout.log"

# sinatra_app.rb
set :logger, Logger.new(STDOUT) # STDOUT & STDERR is captured by unicorn
logger.info('some info') # also accessible as App.settings.logger

this allows you to intercept messages at application scope, rather than just having access to logger as request helper