Symbolic links error while creating Ubuntu UEFI bootable USB

Solution 1:

You can find symbolic links with the -type l option to find. I don't happen to have a 15.04 beta CD image handy, but I do have a 14.10 image, and I ran the command against it:

$ find /mnt/cdrom -type l 

Those are all the symbolic links on the image file. I can't say I know precisely why they're there. If you can install from a medium that lacks these links, though, chances are everything will be fine and there will be no long-lasting problems caused by the fact that your installation medium lacks these links.

One more point: My preferred method of creating a Linux installation medium is to use dd, thus:

sudo dd if=imagefile.iso of=/dev/sdc

Change the if= and of= values as necessary. The resulting disk is something of a Frankenstein's monster in terms of its partitioning and related data structures, but it does work.