Can't get file uri from intent onActivityResult

Solution 1:

I would like to receive normal file path from onActivityResult like this:

My guess is that you are using ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT, or perhaps ACTION_GET_CONTENT. You are getting a content Uri, which is exactly what those Intent actions are documented to return. Such a Uri might be backed by:

  • A local file on external storage, which you probably cannot access on Android 10+
  • A local file on internal storage for the other app
  • A local file on removable storage
  • A local file that is encrypted and needs to be decrypted on the fly
  • A stream of bytes held in a BLOB column in a database
  • A piece of content on the Internet that needs to be downloaded by the other app first
  • Content that is generated on the fly
  • ...and so on

this exception comes from method which converts my file to string

I assume that by "converts my file to string", you mean read the file contents in as a String. In that case:

  • Get a ContentResolver by calling getContentResolver() on a Context, such as your Activity
  • Call openInputStream() on the ContentResolver, passing in your Uri, to get an InputStream on the content identified by the Uri
  • Call reader().readText() on the InputStream to get a String representing the file contents

Combined, that should be something like:

val string = { contentResolver.openInputStream(it).use { it.reader().readText() } }