How do I count text lines?

How do I count how many lines are in text file. e.g :

command file.txt

Note, I want to only count the non-empty lines (lines without counting white space and tabs)?.

Try sed:

sed '/^$/d' file.txt | wc -l

If you have any lines containing only spaces or tabs and if you want to ignore them as well from count:

sed '/^[[:blank:]]*$/d' file.txt | wc -l

The above answer are correct but slightly different, you can use the grep to for easier code such grep -vc '^$' file.txt

For example(A):file.txt

$grep -vc '^$' file.txt

1    First line         #This is two tabs to comment.
3    Fourth line        #Another two tabs to comment.


For example(B):file.txt

$sed '/^$/d' file.txt | wc -l

1    First line         #This is two tabs to comment.
3    Fourth line        #Another two tabs to comment.


Notice the result is 4! when we want to expect only two. but this counts the tabs in between the content and comment as well.

Notice the counts from 0 and counts from 1 its different from the grep to the sed as I remember for more details search for grep or sed.