SQL Between clause with strings columns

The expression

name between 'A' and 'B'

is equivalent to

name>='A' and name<='B'

So 'Argentina' is >='A' and <='B' and it satisfies the condition. But 'Bolivia' is NOT <='B'. 'Bolivia'>'B'. It doesn't just look at the first letter: it looks at the whole string. Which is surely the way it ought to be: if it didn't do this, there'd be no way to say that you wanted a range that included 'Smith' but not 'Smithers'.

To accomplish what you want, you could say:

substr(name,1,1) between 'A' and 'B'


name like 'A%' or name like 'B%'


name>='A' and name<'C'

i think i know how to solve your problem. u can try adding extra character in the back like this

select * from tablea where column1 between 'ABC' and 'ACD'+'Z'

this will return a result from ABC% to ACE