Can I earn the "Cerberus Escapees" war asset more than once?

Completing Mass Effect: Infiltrator once unlocks "1 Cerberus Escapees" according to the Galaxy at War screen, which equates to 40 War Assets inside Mass Effect 3 proper.

Mass Effect: Infiltrator's New Game+ unlocks, but it seems to be equivalent to just picking missions from the level selector, as your progress doesn't seem to save (no "resume/continue playing" option). However, any computers hacked and safes opened remain hacked and opened, and your skill unlocks and weapons carry over.

Skipping right to the end and beating the final boss again doesn't seem to unlock more Cerberus Escapees, but is there a way that I'm missing, or is it just a one-time thing?

You can earn Cerberus Escapees (the war asset from playing Mass Effect: Infiltrator) three times:

  • For finishing the game (once)
  • For getting gold on all Main Story checkpoints
  • For getting gold on all Turian Story checkpoints

Each is worth 40 TMS in war assets, for a total of 120 TMS.1 It will show on all ME3 save games linked to your Origin account.