How do you open a second editor view in Eclipse?

I have a nice high-resolution widescreen monitor, and I'll like to be able to edit files side-by-side in Eclipse (so I can reference one file whilst working in another, for example). I've looked around in the usual menus, but have not figured out how to do this.

Does anyone know if it is possible, and if so, how to do it?

Click on the tab of one of the files you want to edit and drag the tab to the edge of the editor frame until you see a vertical line appear in the middle of the editor frame. Then drop the tab there and you have two files to view side-by-side.

MENU : Window -> New Editor (Side by side) / Ctrl + 8

I am using Eclipse Helios.


And then just drag it to the Project Explorer side and release the click.

Automatically you can see the parallel views :)