How do I get two status-bar clocks with different timezones?

I'd like to have one clock in my status bar set to the same timezone as my servers. I've found three applications that will allow me to add another clock:

  • Day-O
  • MenuCalendarClock
  • iClock

but they all use the system time (which I'd like to keep as-is). Are there any applications that allow timezone-munging inside the app, or will I need to write this myself?

Solution 1:

Lovers clock might be the one you are looking for

Solution 2:

Status clock is free, and available from the mac app store:

Worth a look too:

Note: Loversclock, mentioned in another post, didn't download.

Solution 3:

I would also really like to display multiple times in my menu bar, but I'm not able to find anything like that either. I landed on Clocker. It's free and you can easily assign a keyboard shortcut which is really nice.

Solution 4:

There is a free option. Install BitBar and then the World Clock plugin from:

enter image description here