How to control the height of the title bar in xfce?
Solution 1:
I found out it is not possible by changeing some numerical height value, because the height of the window title bar is not dynamically generated. It is drawn based on a graphical element that is part of the theme and this has a fixed height.
To do what I was asking for, it would be necessary to create a new theme that has the desired proportions.
There are also "compact" themes that have more space because they draw some elements smaller, but they are hard to find and it is still not as small as I would like.
Solution 2:
I solved this issue by editing the xpm-files in /usr/share/themes/
xpm-files can be edited in a text editor.
Solution 3:
Go to Settings > Window Manager > Style (first tab)
The height of the title bar in XFCE depends on the "Theme" you choose.