Why does test iAd for barebones project not display? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
how to display test IAd banner in the simulator

I have tried really hard, with several blogs and videos, to implement iAd in my application.

It still fails with

ADBannerView: Unhandled error (no delegate or delegate does not implement didFailToReceiveAdWithError:): Error Domain=ADErrorDomain Code=5 "The operation couldn’t be completed. Banner view is visible but does not have content" UserInfo=0x610c5d0 {ADInternalErrorCode=5, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Banner view is visible but does not have content}

and my adbannerview never displays.The error message makes me think that the view is present but not visible.

can any one please tell me why i am not able to see test advertisement in my simulator or device.

My code is posted in my old question but not much result: old post.

Please don't post links, I've read a lot and am implementing the same way but it wont work for me, so I think it is another issue. I checked proxy settings too, in case it was a networking issue.

Sorry to ask like this!

The ad has failed to load (that is why it wanted to call the missing didFailToReceiveAdWithError: delegate method). According to the docs, you are supposed to hide the view when you receive this error, so that the user doesn't have to stare at the ugly blank spot.

You can see what is the reason for the failed ad load if you implement the didFailToReceiveAdWithError: method and look at the error passed there. The most common cause is not enough inventory - it happens even with the test ads (to emulate real life I guess).

HI all finally i solved problem my self none of the blog didnt give any solution.I am not getting Test ad in the simulator it is coming in the device only by changing of the internal proxy settings.Its good experience for me and also my suggestion is while your operating with IOS device make sure to take proxy free device so that at least you can eliminate some of the issue related to proxy, dont forget to work proxy related stuff at the end product:)

Thanks for all of your great support.