gnome-terminal instantly closes after messing with the profile settings

I am using Gnome Terminal in Ubuntu 14.04 and I modified the profile preferences, setting it to start with a custom command instead of the default. I can't remember what that custom command was, but now when I launch the terminal, it instantly closes.

Is there any way to change the profile preferences in terminal without having it open?

Solution 1:

You can manipulate the gnome-terminal settings programmatically using gconftool e.g. to restore the settings of the default profile

  1. open a plain xterm from the dash
  2. execute gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/gnome-terminal/profiles/Default

Solution 2:

Delete everything in ~/.gconf/apps/gnome-terminal/ folder. Profile preferences are stored there. In nautilus make sure you enable viewing hidden files and folders to actually find .gconf directory