require/include into variable

Solution 1:

If your included file returned a variable...


return 'abc';

...then you can assign it to a variable like so...

$abc = include 'include.php';

Otherwise, use output buffering.

include 'include.php';
$buffer = ob_get_clean();

Solution 2:

I've also had this issue once, try something like

function requireToVar($file){
    return ob_get_clean();

Solution 3:

You can write in the included file:

    return 'seconds etc.';

And in the file from which you are including:

    $text = include('file.php'); // just assigns value returned in file

Solution 4:

In PHP/7 you can use a self-invoking anonymous function to accomplish simple encapsulation and prevent global scope from polluting with random global variables:

return (function () {
    // Local variables (not exported)
    $current_time = time();
    $reference_time = '01-01-1970 00:00';

    return "seconds passed since $reference_time GMT is $current_time";

An alternative syntax for PHP/5.3+ would be:

return call_user_func(function(){
    // Local variables (not exported)
    $current_time = time();
    $reference_time = '01-01-1970 00:00';

    return "seconds passed since $reference_time GMT is $current_time";

You can then choose the variable name as usual:

$banner = require 'test.php';