I bought a new Alienware and they won't provide support for Windows Update (why should they, really). I go and try to run the IE 10 update like so:

enter image description here

And, it hangs a bit on the screen above. Then, it shows this error:

enter image description here

How can I install IE 10? I already tried installing it directly, but that doesn't work either?

Thanks for your help.


Latest error log after installing System Update Readiness Tool:

00:00.000: ====================================================================
00:00.484: Started: 2013/05/12 (Y/M/D) 19:31:22.265 (local)
00:00.515: Time Format in this log: MM:ss.mmm (minutes:seconds.milliseconds)
00:00.562: Command line: "C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\Install\WU-IE10-Windows7-x64.exe" /WU-SILENT
00:00.624: INFO:    Setup installer for Internet Explorer: 10.0.9200.16521
00:00.656: INFO:    Previous version of Internet Explorer: 9.0.8112.16476
00:00.671: INFO:    Checking if iexplore.exe's current version is between 10.0.8100.0...
00:00.687: INFO:    ...and
00:00.702: INFO:    Maximum version on which to run IEAK branding is:
00:00.734: INFO:    iexplore.exe version check success. Install can proceed.
00:00.749: INFO:    Operating System: Windows Workstation: 6.1.7601 (Service Pack 1)
00:00.780: INFO:    Trying to extract ID: SetupDownloadList.txt (0) as "SetupDownloadList.txt"
00:00.796: INFO:    Trying to extract ID: HardwareBlockingList.xml (0) as "HardwareBlockingList.xml"
00:00.858: INFO:    Trying to extract ID: 7006 (0) as "IE10-neutral.Extracted.cab"
00:01.155: INFO:    Trying to extract ID: 5501 (1033) as "Spelling_en.msu"
00:01.373: INFO:    Extracted Spelling dictionary for en to C:\Windows\TEMP\IE1AC83.tmp\Spelling_en.msu.
00:01.467: INFO:    Trying to extract ID: 5502 (1033) as "Hyphenation_en.msu"
00:01.498: INFO:    Extracted Hyphenation dictionary for en to C:\Windows\TEMP\IE1AC83.tmp\Hyphenation_en.msu.
00:01.529: INFO:    Trying to extract ID: 7128 (1033) as "IE10-support.cab"
00:15.788: INFO:    Updated Download list, Hardware Blocking list, and no reboot policy files successfully downloaded and extracted for use.
00:15.835: INFO:    Launched program to check hardware: "C:\Windows\TEMP\IE1AC83.tmp\IE10-SUPPORT\IEXPLORE.EXE" /CheckHardware "C:\Windows\TEMP\IE1AC83.tmp\IE10-support\HardwareBlockingList.xml"
00:16.318: INFO:    Hardware support check succeeded. Installation will continue.
00:16.349: INFO:    Windows 7 operating system detected.
00:16.396: INFO:    Service pack major: 1
00:16.443: INFO:    Service pack minor: 0
00:16.474: INFO:    Service pack name:  Service Pack 1
00:16.739: INFO:    Version Check for (KB2670838) of C:\Windows\System32\api-ms-win-downlevel-user32-l1-1-0.dll: 6.2.9200.16492 >= 6.2.9200.16492 (True)
00:16.771: INFO:    Version Check for (KB2639308) of C:\Windows\System32\Ntoskrnl.exe: 6.1.7601.18113 >= 6.1.7601.17727 (True)
00:16.895: INFO:    Version Check for (KB2533623) of C:\Windows\System32\api-ms-win-security-base-l1-1-0.dll: 6.1.7601.18015 >= 6.1.7601.17617 (True)
00:16.927: INFO:    Version Check for (KB2731771) of C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll: 6.1.7601.18015 >= 6.1.7601.17932 (True)
00:16.958: INFO:    Checking for correct version of C:\Windows\Fonts\segoeui.ttf.
00:17.051: INFO:    Version Check for (KB2786081) of C:\Windows\System32\taskhost.exe: 6.1.7601.18010 >= 6.1.7601.18010 (True)
00:27.129: INFO:    IE Setup Language pack included: C:\Windows\TEMP\IE1AC83.tmp\IE-Spelling-en.cab
00:27.644: INFO:    IE Setup Language pack included: C:\Windows\TEMP\IE1AC83.tmp\IE-Hyphenation-en.cab
00:27.737: INFO:    Waiting for 0 prerequisite downloads.
00:29.235: INFO:    The neutral pack was successfully downloaded from the internet. Installation will continue using the downloaded package.
00:29.344: INFO:    No reboot logic message NrApiStart(0), lParam=0x001e2b60 returned 0x00000000.
00:29.797: INFO:    No reboot logic message NrApiScan(1), lParam=0x00000001 returned 0x00000000.
00:29.906: INFO:    No reboot logic message NrApiStartInstall(4), lParam=0x00000001 returned 0x00000014.
00:29.968: INFO:    Installing with the downloaded package. C:\Windows\TEMP\IE1AC83.tmp\IE10-neutral.Downloaded.cab
00:30.015: INFO:    Launched package installation: C:\Windows\SysNative\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE1AC83.tmp\IE10-neutral.Downloaded.cab /quiet /norestart
01:30.824: INFO:    Process exit code 0x80092004 (-2146885628) [Cannot find object or property. ]
01:31.011: ERROR:   Neutral package installation failed (exit code = 0x80092004 (2148081668)).
01:31.058: INFO:    No reboot logic message NrApiInstallDone(7), lParam=0x00009c59 returned 0x00000000.
01:31.089: INFO:    No reboot logic message NrApiStartFinish(11), lParam=0x00000000 returned 0x00000000.
01:31.214: INFO:    No reboot logic message NrApiFinish(12), lParam=0x00000000 returned 0x00000016.
01:31.261: INFO:    Waiting for Active Setup to complete.
01:31.370: ERROR:   Couldn't create setup troubleshooting shortcut on the desktop. HRESULT: 0x80070002,
01:31.401: INFO:    Setup exit code: 0x00009C59 (40025) - The neutral cab failed to install.
01:32.291: INFO:    Scheduling upload to IE SQM server: http://sqm.microsoft.com/sqm/ie/sqmserver.dll
01:40.449: ERROR:   SQM Upload failed while uploading "C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\SQM\iesqmdata_setup0.sqm" with error: 2147500036
01:40.590: ERROR:   SQM Upload failed while uploading "C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\SQM\iesqmdata_setup1.sqm" with error: 2147500036
01:40.637: ERROR:   SQM Upload failed while uploading "C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\SQM\iesqmdata_setup2.sqm" with error: 2147500036
01:40.793: ERROR:   SQM Upload failed while uploading "C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\SQM\iesqmdata_setup3.sqm" with error: 2147500036
01:41.011: ERROR:   SQM Upload failed while uploading "C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\SQM\iesqmdata_setup4.sqm" with error: 2147500036
01:41.058: ERROR:   SQM Upload failed while uploading "C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\SQM\iesqmdata_setup5.sqm" with error: 2147500036
01:41.183: ERROR:   SQM Upload failed while uploading "C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\SQM\iesqmdata_setup6.sqm" with error: 2147500036
01:41.229: ERROR:   SQM Upload failed while uploading "C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\SQM\iesqmdata_setup7.sqm" with error: 2147500036
01:41.292: ERROR:   SQM Upload failed while uploading "C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\SQM\iesqmdata_setup8.sqm" with error: 2147500036
01:41.354: ERROR:   SQM Upload failed while uploading "C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\SQM\iesqmdata_setup9.sqm" with error: 2147500036
01:41.401: INFO:    Cleaning up temporary files in: C:\Windows\TEMP\IE1AC83.tmp
01:41.588: INFO:    Unable to remove directory C:\Windows\TEMP\IE1AC83.tmp, marking for deletion on reboot.
01:41.729: INFO:    Released Internet Explorer Installer Mutex



Checking System Update Readiness.
Binary Version 6.1.7601.21645
Package Version 18.0
2013-05-12 19:22

Checking Windows Servicing Packages

Checking Package Manifests and Catalogs
(f) CBS MUM Corrupt 0x00000000  servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-IE-Hyphenation-Parent-Package-English~31bf3856ad364e35~~~10.2.9200.16437.mum       Expected file name Microsoft-Windows-IE-Hyphenation-Parent-Package-English~31bf3856ad364e35~neutral~~10.2.9200.16437.mum does not match the actual file name
(f) CBS MUM Corrupt 0x00000000  servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-IE-Spelling-Parent-Package-English~31bf3856ad364e35~~~10.2.9200.16437.mum      Expected file name Microsoft-Windows-IE-Spelling-Parent-Package-English~31bf3856ad364e35~neutral~~10.2.9200.16437.mum does not match the actual file name

Checking Package Watchlist

Checking Component Watchlist

Checking Packages

Checking Component Store

Seconds executed: 199
 Found 2 errors
  CBS MUM Corrupt Total count: 2

Unavailable repair files:

Customer Experience report successfully uploaded.  Thank you for participating.  For more information, see the Microsoft Customer Experience Improvement Program on the Microsoft web site.


Latest C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CheckSUR.log:

Checking System Update Readiness.
Binary Version 6.1.7601.21645
Package Version 18.0
2013-05-15 19:17

Checking Windows Servicing Packages

Checking Package Manifests and Catalogs
(f) CBS MUM Corrupt 0x00000000  servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-IE-Hyphenation-Parent-Package-English~31bf3856ad364e35~~~10.2.9200.16437.mum       Expected file name Microsoft-Windows-IE-Hyphenation-Parent-Package-English~31bf3856ad364e35~neutral~~10.2.9200.16437.mum does not match the actual file name
(f) CBS MUM Corrupt 0x00000000  servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-IE-Spelling-Parent-Package-English~31bf3856ad364e35~~~10.2.9200.16437.mum      Expected file name Microsoft-Windows-IE-Spelling-Parent-Package-English~31bf3856ad364e35~neutral~~10.2.9200.16437.mum does not match the actual file name

Checking Package Watchlist

Checking Component Watchlist

Checking Packages

Checking Component Store

Seconds executed: 433
 Found 2 errors
  CBS MUM Corrupt Total count: 2

Unavailable repair files:

Customer Experience report successfully uploaded.  Thank you for participating.  For more information, see the Microsoft Customer Experience Improvement Program on the Microsoft web site.

I had the exact same error. 6 hours later I'm finally able to install IE 10. It turns out there are some corrupt downloaded packages and IE 10 cannot install. pkgmgr.exe is a utility to manage these packages.

This is what you need to do. (not documented anywhere of course) Run a DOS COMMAND window (CMD) as admin and type the following commands:

pkgmgr /UP:Microsoft-Windows-IE-Hyphenation-Parent-Package-English~31bf3856ad364e35~~~10.2.9200.16437

pkgmgr /UP:Microsoft-Windows-IE-Spelling-Parent-Package-English~31bf3856ad364e35~~~10.2.9200.16437

And you're going to run this on any version you find lower than the one you're trying to install (from what I see "10.2.9200.16437") and that you find here C:\Windows\servicing\Packages. These are the files that are mainly causing the issue. For example:

pkgmgr /UP:pkgmgr /up:Microsoft-Windows-InternetExplorer-Package-TopLevel~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~8.0.7601.17514

You would replace 8.0.7601.17514 with whatever file names you find on the packages folder I mentioned above.

I followed Jose Ortiz's instructions and successfully got rid of IE10 upgrade failure code 9c59, however, one correction to Jose's instructions, not only I had to pkgmgr /UP: on the lower versions of Microsoft-Windows-InternetExplorer-Package-TopLevel~* in C:\Windows\servicing\Packages but also higher version 10 ones as well. then the IE10 upgrade becomes successful

also one side effect to share, once I uninstalled the the lower versions of Microsoft-Windows-InternetExplorer-Package-TopLevel~, I was asked to restart the system, after that my IE9 dropped down to IE8. then I decided to remove the higher versions of Microsoft-Windows-InternetExplorer-Package-TopLevel~ as well, try IE10 installation one more time then it's successful