Input field value - remove leading zeros

Solution 1:

More simplified solution is as below. Check this out!

var resultString = document.getElementById("theTextBoxInQuestion")

Solution 2:

str.replace(/^0+(?!\.|$)/, '')

  '0000.00' --> '0.00'   
     '0.00' --> '0.00'   
  '00123.0' --> '123.0'   
        '0' --> '0'  

Solution 3:

var value= document.getElementById("theTextBoxInQuestion").value;
var number= parseFloat(value).toFixed(2);

Solution 4:

It sounds like you just want to remove leading zeros unless there's only one left ("0" for an integer or "" for a float, where x can be anything).

This should be good for a first cut:

while (s.charAt(0) == '0') {            # Assume we remove all leading zeros
    if (s.length == 1) { break };       # But not final one.
    if (s.charAt(1) == '.') { break };  # Nor one followed by '.'
    s = s.substr(1, s.length-1)

Solution 5:

Ok a simple solution. The only problem is when the string is "0000.00" result in plain 0. But beside that I think is a cool solution.

var i = "0000.12";
var integer = i*1; //here's is the trick...
console.log(i); //0000.12

For some cases I think this can work...