Fixing the Secure Channel Windows 2012 -- the trust relationship between workstation and domain fails?

You need to reset the machine account password for the computer in question.

First, make sure the ports listed here are open on your network between the server and the Domain Controllers.

Then, run this command from an elevated Command Prompt (Right-click > Run As Administrator) on the client computer with trust issues:

Netdom reset %COMPUTERNAME% /UserO:domainAdminUser /PasswordO:* /SecurePasswordPrompt
  • The %COMPUTERNAME% environment variable should already be set by default, if not then replace it with your computer's short name.
  • The /UserO (that's a capital-"oh", not a zero) needs to be a member of the Domain Admins group.
  • The /PasswordO:* /SecurePasswordPrompt option will create a credential popup to get the password for domainAdminUser rather than typing your password directly into the command-line.

Follow the steps here if you get lost.

Also, make sure that there aren't issues with the SPN. See here for a reference on that.