"Error: Too many re-renders. React limits the number of renders to prevent an infinite loop."

The problem can be found in your onClick prop:

<button className="previous-round" onClick={setOrderData_(previous(orderData_))}>&#8249;</button>

Everything between the curly braces gets evaluated immediately. This causes the setOrderData_ function to be called in every render loop.

By wrapping the function with an arrow function, the evaluated code will result in a function that can be called whenever the user clicks on the button.

<button className="previous-round" onClick={() => setOrderData_(previous(orderData_))}

You can find more information about JSX and expressions in the official docs https://reactjs.org/docs/introducing-jsx.html#embedding-expressions-in-jsx

Infinite re-render loop

The reason for the infinite loop is because something (most likely setState) in the event callback is triggering a re-render. This will call the event callback again and causes React to stop and throw the 'Too many re-renders.' error.

Technical explanation

To better understand the reason why JSX works this way see the code below. JSX is actually being compiled to Javascript and every prop will be passed to a function in an Object. With this knowledge, you will see that handleEvent() is being called immediately in the last example.

// Simple example
// JSX: <button>click me</button>
// JS:  createElement('button', { children: 'click me' })
createElement("button", { children: "click me" });

// Correct event callback
// JSX: <button onClick={handleClick}>click me</button>
// JS:  createElement('button', { onClick: handleClick, children: 'click me' })
createElement("button", { onClick: handleClick, children: "click me" });

// Wrong event callback
// JSX: <button onClick={handleClick()}>click me</button>
// JS:  createElement('button', { onClick: handleClick(), children: 'click me' })
createElement("button", { onClick: handleClick(), children: "click me" });

Just replace your button with the one below

<button className="previous-round" onClick={() => setOrderData_(previous(orderData_))}>&#8249;</button>

This happens because onClick function if used without an anonymous functions gets called immediately and that setOrderData again re renders it causing an infinite loop. So its better to use anonymous functions.

Hope it helps. feel free for doubts.