What is the easiest method to check if I have DDR3 memory? [duplicate]

Solution 1:

press Win +r

On the dialogue box, type ''dxdiag'' And then press enter.

Your directx UI will open.

enter image description here

Click ok ''save all information'' and save it as a text file on desktop or anywhere u want. This text file is the encyclopedia for your hardware information.

Search for the ''memory'' title in the text file and you'll see what you want

Solution 2:

I think the easiest way would be to ask her for the model of the computer, either from a sticker somewhere on the computer or by clicking start > right click computer > select properties (that's how I did it in the attached photo). Google the manufactures name and processor type (and model number if you have it).

Manufacturer and Processor number should be enough. (for example I did mine: Lenovo B940 google came back with the information in the first hit.)

Step OneStep two