What does an AP mid do to help achieve map visibility and maintain it?

So what is my role in getting the map visible and keeping it as an AP mid? Would I buy wards or would I let others buy them and put them up? what is my responsibility when it comes to map awareness?

Solution 1:

It is EVERY player's responsibility to buy wards. Of course, supports buy the majority of wards, and an AD carry might only buy a couple over the course of an entire game. Playing as mid, I buy a ward every time I go back, or two if I can afford it. Place a ward either on the ramp toward the enemy jungler's wraiths, or in the small brush on the opposite side (drake side if you are on the blue team, Baron side if you are on the purple team). Coordinate with your support, as well. If your support wards dragon, then place your ward in the top river (wraith ramp if you are on the blue team, in a brush if you are on the purple team). After laning phase, you should still carry a ward or two whenever you can, up until you are finishing your final build and have no more slots for them.

Solution 2:

The AP mid does not need to put wards on top of their priorities. However a couple wards here and there will help the game dramatically if you have the gold.

  • You can ward the bushes around your lane to prevent ganks.

  • You can ward the dragon or baron if someone else hasn't done that already.

  • And finally, you can ward the wraiths in the enemy jungle. This ward is key to keeping track of the enemy jungler, aiding in your team's efforts to counter jungle, and also allowing you to possibly take the wraiths for your own farm (depending on your champion and how the game is going). As a jungler myself I find myself warding here very often and I can not stress how helpful it can be.

These three spots should be the most important to ward as an AP mid. Note that you may not need to ward all of them, sometimes you will not have the money, you may not fear ganks from the enemy jungler, or someone else might have it warded.