Formatting money in twig templates

Are there any filters or something like that in twig template engine to format money or numbers?

Solution 1:

The number_format filter has been included in the Twig core since the end of December 2011. The relevant commit is here.

Usage: number_format(decimals, decimalSeparator, thousandSeparator)

{{ total|number_format(2) }}
{{ total|number_format(0, '.') }}
{{ total|number_format(2, '.', ',') }}

Read more about it in the docs

Solution 2:

The Twig Extensions library contains a number of useful extensions for Twig. With the release of version 1.2.0, a localizedcurrency filter has been added to the Intl extension. As the name suggests, this filter will format a number based on the current locale. It uses PHP's NumberFormatter class to do so.


This filter is very easy to use. The only required argument for the filter is the 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code. For instance, to display an amount of 27.99 in Euros, use the following line of code:

{{ price|localizedcurrency('EUR') }}

This will display different results depending on the locale:

  • €27.99 if the locale is set to en
  • 27,99 € if the locale is set to fr
  • € 27,99 if the locale is set to nl

Installation / setting the locale

Installation instructions for the Intl extension can be found in this seperate answer.

Solution 3:

If you are using an older version of twig and you don't want to install any extensions you can use the format filter like this:

{{ "%.2f"|format(total) }}

Not very nice, but it works.

Basically format works like PHP's sprintf function