How to deal with Kivy installing error in Python 3.8?
I have installed every necessary code in Python from Kivy, but the last one I need which one is python -m pip install kivy gets me an error like this:
ERROR: Dependency for context.pyx not resolved: config.pxi
ERROR: Dependency for compiler.pyx not resolved: config.pxi
ERROR: Dependency for context_instructions.pyx not resolved: config.pxi
ERROR: Dependency for fbo.pyx not resolved: config.pxi
ERROR: Dependency for gl_instructions.pyx not resolved: config.pxi
ERROR: Dependency for instructions.pyx not resolved: config.pxi
ERROR: Dependency for opengl.pyx not resolved: config.pxi
ERROR: Dependency for opengl_utils.pyx not resolved: config.pxi
ERROR: Dependency for shader.pyx not resolved: config.pxi
ERROR: Dependency for stencil_instructions.pyx not resolved: config.pxi
ERROR: Dependency for scissor_instructions.pyx not resolved: config.pxi
ERROR: Dependency for texture.pyx not resolved: config.pxi
ERROR: Dependency for vbo.pyx not resolved: config.pxi
ERROR: Dependency for vertex.pyx not resolved: config.pxi
ERROR: Dependency for vertex_instructions.pyx not resolved: config.pxi
ERROR: Dependency for cgl.pyx not resolved: config.pxi
ERROR: Dependency for cgl_mock.pyx not resolved: config.pxi
ERROR: Dependency for cgl_gl.pyx not resolved: config.pxi
ERROR: Dependency for cgl_glew.pyx not resolved: config.pxi
ERROR: Dependency for cgl_sdl2.pyx not resolved: config.pxi
ERROR: Dependency for svg.pyx not resolved: config.pxi
ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1: python egg_info Check the logs for full command output.
I use windows 10, please help!
This worked for me:
matham commented 15 days ago We are not likely to release a 1.11.1 version for 3.8 to pypi. However, you can install kivy master using:
pip install kivy[base] kivy_examples --pre --extra-index-url
Try using pip install kivy==2.0.0rc2
or pip install kivy==2.0.0rc1
The command: pip install kivy==2.0.0rc2
Works with Windows 10 Pro
and Python 3.8.3
And I test it with this code:
from import App
from kivy.uix.button import Button
class TestApp(App):
def build(self):
return Button(text= " Hello Kivy World ")
This works in macOS Catalina 10.15.6 with python 3.8.0+
pip install kivy==2.0.0rc2