setTimeout() inside JavaScript Class using "this"

I am trying to use setTimeout() inside a class function in JavaScript. The setTimeout() is supposed to trigger another method in the same Class, so the function I am passing it is written as window.setTimeout("this.anotherMethod", 4000). That bring the problem: this references the calling Object, in the case of setTimeout() it is window. How can I use enclosures to return a reference to the Class Object itself?

myObject = function(){

this.move = function(){
    alert(this + " is running");
this.turn = function(){
    alert(this + " is turning");
this.wait = function(){
    window.setTimeout("" ,(1000 * randomNumber(1,5)));
} = function(){
        case 0:
        case 1:
        case 2:


Solution 1:

You can do this:

 var that = this;
 setTimeout(function () {
 }, 4000);

You can also bind for more succinct code (as originally pointed out by @Raynos):

setTimeout(this.doStuff.bind(this), 4000);

bind is a standard library function for exactly this coding pattern (ie capturing this lexically).

Solution 2:

You can also bind a function to scope.

setTimeout( ,(1000 * randomNumber(1,5)));

Be warned Function.prototype.bind is ES5

Solution 3:

this can be problematic in javascript, as you've discovered.

I usually work around this by aliasing this inside the object so that I can use the alias whenever I need a reference back to the containing object.

MyObject = function ()
    var self = this;

    // The rest of the code goes here

    self.wait = function(){
        window.setTimeout( ,(1000 * randomNumber(1,5)));

Solution 4:

class A{


       // here this != undefined because of arrow function

