How to view all ssl certificates in a bundle?

I have a certificate bundle .crt file.

doing openssl x509 -in bundle.crt -text -noout only shows the root certificate.

how do i see all the other certificates?

Solution 1: suggests this one-liner:

openssl crl2pkcs7 -nocrl -certfile CHAINED.pem | openssl pkcs7 -print_certs -text -noout

It indeed worked for me, but I don't understand the details so can't say if there are any caveats.

Solution 2:

Java's keytool does the trick:

keytool -printcert -v -file <certs.crt>

Annotation: Windows doubleclick does not work. Windows reads only the first certificate in the keystore and automatically extends the trustchain from its built in certificate store.


  1. All beyond the first certificate in the .crt file are not shown
  2. You may get a different trustchain displayed than you have in the .crt file. This may lead to wrong conclusions.

Solution 3:

Following this FAQ led me to this perl script, which very strongly suggests to me that openssl has no native support for handling the nth certificate in a bundle, and that instead we must use some tool to slice-and-dice the input before feeding each certificate to openssl. This perl script, freely adapted from Nick Burch's script linked above, seems to do the job:

# script for splitting multi-cert input into individual certs
# Artistic Licence
# v0.0.1         Nick Burch <[email protected]>
# v0.0.2         Tom Yates <[email protected]>

$filename = shift;
unless($filename) {
  die("You must specify a cert file.\n");
open INP, "<$filename" or die("Unable to load \"$filename\"\n");

$thisfile = "";

while(<INP>) {
   $thisfile .= $_;
   if($_ =~ /^\-+END(\s\w+)?\sCERTIFICATE\-+$/) {
      print "Found a complete certificate:\n";
      print `echo \'$thisfile\' | openssl x509 -noout -text`;
      $thisfile = "";
close INP;