Import Export specific Windows Firewall Rule

Solution 1:

Go to the following key from Windows Registry and export it to a *.reg file:


Edit the file in any text editor and remove the entries you don't want. Or you can go to WFwAS, delete any other rules and keep only the ones you want. Then do the step described above. You won't need to edit the reg file as it already contains only what you want.

Import the reg file on the computer you need and you will add only your selected rules. That's all.

Or you can try Windows Firewall Control which has a feature that does this thing. It can export and import only the selected rules in XML format:

Solution 2:

You can select only the rules you want to export, then click the "export list" button and when the explorer window opens up you can tick the option to "export only highlighted rules" (just underneath the file name input field)