Get an attribute of a dom node

I am trying to get an attribute of an xml node example:

<Car name="Test">

I want to grab the name attribute of the car node.

DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();          
Document doc = db.parse(configFile);
NodeList layerConfigList = doc.getElementsByTagName("CAR");
Node node = layerConfigList.item(0);
// get the name attribute out of the node.

this is where i get stuck because the only method that looks like i can use is getAttributes() with returns a NamedNodeMap and im not sure how to extract it from that.

Solution 1:

Your node is an Element so you just have to

Element e = (Element)node;
String name = e.getAttribute("name");

Solution 2:

you can do it without using elements, like this:

//HtmlTag represents any arbitrary node that you are trying to get its "car" attribute 

 String nodeContent=node.getAttributes().getNamedItem("car").getNodeValue()