Have installed adobe digital editions but cannot run it under wine

I a running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, wine 1.6 and have installed Adobe digital editions 4.0.

I originally downloaded a small .exe file and it seems to have installed (with wine windows program loader) but cannot seem to launch it.

I have tried by right clicking and opening with wine browser (didn’t seem right), and a wine application (I have two of these when I right click but neither work).

I then re-installed ADE twice (seems to just install over the top of the other installation, deleting then replacing some .dll files) and re-tried launching it, including through wine explorer.exe.

Then I found some links on this Q&A site and installed manually using ADE_4_0_Installer.zip from adobe. It seems to have just done the same thing, installed and deleted then replaced .dll files.

The program is there in my ~/.wine folder where it should be (in a sub,sub sub folder where it installs by default).

It all seems OK and should have worked but I'm just wondering which way I should tell wine to launch it so that it does - every attempt just creates that small white spinning disc which suggests something is happening but nothing does.

I am assuming that installing over and over hasn’t messed things up (??), it would appear there is no duplicates and the first install did not work either.

any help greatly appreciated.

added later: ADE version 4.0 cannot run from command line as folder is "Program Files (x86) so the spaces and brackets as in windows wont work - does this effect the GUI function?

Installation via winetricks worked very well for me.

Install winetricks:

sudo apt-get install winetricks

then run winetricks and follow the instructions. Run ADE from the dash.

It appears that after installing winetricks, opening a file with ADE is an option in firefox. It has fixed itself ie thank you ajn. The question, which could remain open until someone else is desperate as i can work now,is what actually happened? Behind the scenes im guessing that file associations have aligned themselves by installing winetricks (??)

I have no need for ADE independently and am happy for it to work as a psuedo plugin, it functions much like acrobat reader.

Im a newbie, what sort of tutorial or topic should i look into to understand this. Please dont waste time if other users could do with your help im ok for now :)