Number of equivalence relations splitting set into sets with exactly 3 elements

Another way of counting that more easily leads to a closed formula for the product is like this:

First choose a class of $3$; there are $\binom{3k}3$ ways of doing this. Then choose another class of $3$ from the remaining $3k-3$ people; there are $\binom{3k-3}3$ ways of doing this, and so on. The product of all these binomial coefficients is the multinomial coefficient


where there are $k$ threes on the left-hand side. Now we have $k$ equivalence classes, but we could have chosen these in $k!$ different orders to get the same equivalence relation, so the number of different equivalence relations is


which is the same as what André's approach yields when you form the product and insert the factors in $(3k)!$ that are missing in the numerator.

We have $3k$ people. Unimaginatively, let us name them $1$, $2$, $3$, and so on. Line them up in the order $1$, $2$, $3$, and so on. (This is very important for the analysis.)

We want to divide the people $1$ to $3k$ into equivalence classes (teams) of $3$ each.

Who shall be on $1$'s team? They can be chosen in $\binom{3k-1}{2}$ ways.

Look at the first person in the lineup who has not yet been chosen. Who shall be on her team? They can be chosen in $\binom{3k-4}{2}$ ways. Continue.

The number of ways to to divide the people into teams of $3$ each is $$\binom{3k-1}{2}\binom{3k-4}{2}\binom{3k-7}{2}\dots\binom{5}{2}\binom{2}{2}.$$

Comment: There are other ways to do the analysis, which yield different-looking but equivalent expressions. In particular, one can get expressions that look very like the one of the OP. For example, we can multiply and divide the term $\binom{3k-3i-1}{2}$ in our product by $3k-3i$.

Simplification The expression as a product can be simplified. The product is $$(3k-1)(3k-2)(3k-4)(3k-5)(3k-7)(3k-8)\cdots (5)(4)(2)(1)$$ divided by a power of $2$. Multiply and divide by the "missing" numbers $3k$, $3k-3$, $3k-6$, and so on down to $3$. We get a simple "product-free" expression (the quotation marks are because after all the factorial is a product that happens to have been given a compact name.)