How to pass parameter to mssql query in node js

Solution 1:

I do parameterized SQL queries like this:

var sql = require('mssql');
var myFirstInput = "foo bar";
var mySecondInput = "hello world";

sql.input('inputField1', sql.VarChar, myFirstInput);
sql.input('inputField2', sql.VarChar, mySecondInput);

sql.query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE field1 = @inputField1 OR field2 = @inputField2")
    //do whatever you want with the results
   //do whatever when you get an error

What happens here is that the sql.input('inputField1', sql.VarChar, myFirstInput) will change out the @inputField1 with the variable named myFirstInput. Same thing will happen for @inputField2 with mySecondInput.

This will help it from SQL injections