CypressError: Timed out retrying: failed because this element is detached from the DOM

The dropdown basically takes long to get load itself once the back end response is received. If I put a wait of around 8 seconds, then it works. But, don't want to hard code the wait here. Any idea as what might be going wrong? I couldn't identify the css as well.

        cy.get('mat-option > span').then(option => {
            if (option.get(0).textContent === 'Loading...') {

cy.containsCaseInsensitive(value, 'mat-option').first().scrollIntoView().debug().click();

The error log -

CypressError: Timed out retrying: failed because this element is detached from the DOM.

<mat-option _ngcontent-gcj-c21="" class="mat-option ng-star-inserted" role="option" ng-reflect-value="[object Object]" tabindex="0" id="mat-option-104" aria-disabled="false" style="">...</mat-option>

Cypress requires elements be attached in the DOM to interact with them.

The previous command that ran was:

  > cy.debug()

This DOM element likely became detached somewhere between the previous and current command.

Common situations why this happens:
  - Your JS framework re-rendered asynchronously
  - Your app code reacted to an event firing and removed the element

You typically need to re-query for the element or add 'guards' which delay Cypress from running new commands.

In order to wait for a network response, you can alias network requests and wait on them.

Check out the documentation for Cypress here:

cy.route('/search*', [{ item: 'Book 1' }, { item: 'Book 2' }]).as('getSearch')

// our autocomplete field is throttled
// meaning it only makes a request after
// 500ms from the last keyPress

// wait for the request + response
// thus insulating us from the
// throttled request

More examples are available in the documentation by following the link above.

I did face same issue keeping cypress to wait for some time till page is loaded solved the issue of detached element



I faced same problem but you can solve it by
