How do I know who I slept with?

I have an ME1 save, but no longer have access to the game itself. I wish to start a new game in ME2 (Xbox 360) based on this save in preparation for ME3.

I haven't started the playthrough yet and am wondering how I can tell who I had a romance with in ME1? This will determine how I will make my romantic decisions in both ME2 and ME3.

Once you gain access to the Normandy SR-2, take a peek around Shepard's personal quarters.

If you had a love interest in Mass Effect 1, Shep will have a framed picture of them on zer desk.

If you then go on to romance someone else, Shep will tactfully... place the picture face down.

If you haven't started the playthrough yet, it should tell you on the import screen (along with the other major decisions that you made.

Otherwise, as Raven Dreamer said, you can always look at the picture.

You could always poke around the save file with a save-game editor.

As a bonus, this will let you change who you romanced, if you want to.