How is the value of $\pi$ ( Pi ) actually calculated?

Solution 1:

There is the famous formula $$\dfrac{\pi}{4} = 1 - \dfrac{1}{3} + \dfrac{1}{5} - \dfrac{1}{7} \pm \cdots.$$ Unfortunately, this converges rather slowly. (If you compute to $n$ terms and multiply by $4$, you get within roughly $1/n$ of the value of $\pi$; so to get 3 decimal places of accuracy, you'll need to sum something like the first thousand terms of the series.)

There is the Machin formula $$\dfrac{\pi}{4} = 4\arctan \dfrac{1}{5} - \arctan \dfrac{1}{239},$$ which can be combined with an infinite series formula for $\arctan$ to provide a much more rapidly convergent infinite series which can be used to compute $\pi$ to many digits of accuracy.

The Wikipedia entry provides more details about these and other methods, both historical and contemporary, for computing $\pi$.

Solution 2:

There is an excellent list of ways that $\pi$ has been computed throught history here. In this answer, I will explain a variant of the method that Archimedes used to compute $\pi$.

Consider an isosceles triangle $ABC$ with $AB = AC = 1$. We will start angle $BAC$ at $60^\circ$ and repeatedly halve it, all the while keeping track of the length $BC$. After we have halved the angle $n$ times:

  • The angle $BAC$ is $60^\circ / 2^n$.
  • Therefore, we can fit $6 \cdot 2^n$ copies of the triangle like slices of cake with $A$ being the centre of the cake.
  • Let us call the length $BC$, which we will compute below, $L_n$.
  • The length of the outside of the cake will therefore be $6 \cdot 2^n L_n$.

The outside of the cake is roughly a circle of radius 1, and as $n$ increases it becomes more and more like a circle. The circumference of the circle is $2\pi$. Therefore, this gives us a way to compute $\pi$. Specifically, $\pi \approx 3 \cdot 2^n L_n$.

So how do we compute $L_n$? The starting case is easy. In this case the triangle is equilateral, so $L_0 = 1$. If we know $L_n$ we can compute $L_{n+1}$ using Pythagoras's theorem twice, as explained below. This allows us to compute $L_n$ for any $n$.

First, we bisect the angle $BAC$ to make two right-angled triangles that meet along a line $AP$. We know $AB = 1$ and $BP = L_n / 2$ so by Pythagoras's theorem $AP = \sqrt{1 - L_n^2/4}$.

Next, we extend $AP$ to $Q$ so that the distance $AQ = 1$. Therefore, the distance $PQ = 1 - \sqrt{1 - L_n^2/4}$.

Next, we join $B$ to $Q$ to make a right-angled triangle $BPQ$. We know $BP = L_n / 2$ and $PQ = 1 - \sqrt{1 - L_n^2/4}$ so by Pythagoras's theorem,

$$BQ = \sqrt{(L_n / 2)^2 + \left(1 - \sqrt{1 - L_n^2/4}\right)^2}$$ $$= \sqrt{L_n^2/4 + 1 - 2\sqrt{1 - L_n^2/4} + (1 - L_n^2/4)}$$ $$= \sqrt{2 - \sqrt{4 - L_n^2}}$$

But now $ABQ$ is an isosceles triangle and angle $BAQ$ is half angle $BAC$, so $BQ = L_{n+1}$.

You will notice that in this algorithm we sometimes take a square-root and then immediately square it again as part of the next step, and we sometimes subtract something from 2 and then immediately subtract the result from 4. We can avoid these inefficiencies by defining $M_n = 4 - L_n^2$.

Using that trick, a summary of the algorithm is as follows:

  • $M_0 = 3$
  • $M_{n+1} = 2 + \sqrt{M_n}$
  • $3 \cdot 2^n \sqrt{4 - M_n}$ approaches $\pi$ as $n$ increases.

Here it is in Python:

m = 3
for n in range(1, 11):
     m = 2 + sqrt(m)
     print 3*(2**n)*sqrt(4-m)

Here is the output:


Unfortunately the numerical accuracy breaks down soon after this point, but it at least shows that the algorithm works in principle.

When Archimedes did it, he was not very good a computing square-roots, and he had to introduce extra approximations for that reason. He got as far as $n=4$, and his answer was $$3\frac{10}{71} = \frac{223}{71} \approx 3.140845070422535$$ which is slightly less than the result we get for $n=4$, which is $3.14103195089$. Archimedes knew that this answer was too small. He also used a similar method to compute an answer that he knew was too big: $$3\frac{1}{7} = \frac{22}{7} \approx 3.142857142857143$$

That's where it comes from.

Solution 3:

When I was a child I was taught this funny experiment:

Bring a thread of known length $l$ and wrap it as a circle. You can easily get the diameter $d$ (measure it) then $\pi = \frac{l}{d}$

Repeat the experiment and you will get approximately equal values.

Solution 4:

Here's $\pi$ accurate to 48 decimal digits: $$ \mathtt{3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375} $$

Archimedes' method can be implemented in Python to compute 48 digits of $\pi$. Python provides long integers which can be used to represent fixed-point numbers with as much precision as required. For example, the fixed-point number $1.000+(375\times10^{-24})$ can be represented by the long integer $\mathtt{1000000000000000000000375L}$.

$\pi$ is defined as the ratio of a circle's circumference $C$ to its diameter $D$. That is, $\pi=C/D$. Equivalently, $\pi$ may also be defined as the ratio of a circle's hemicircumference $H=C/2$ to its radius $r=D/2$. That is, $\pi=C/D=H/r$. And with $r=1$, $\pi=H$.

Archimedes' method is an iterative squeeze algorithm. The unit circle ($r=1$) is squeezed between an inscribed regular polygon and a circumscribed regular polygon (both initially regular hexagons). The circle has hemicircumference $H$. The $\mathrm{n^{th}}$ inscribed polygon has hemiperimeter $I_n$ which is slightly less than $H$. The $\mathrm{n^{th}}$ circumscribed polygon has hemiperimeter $C_n$ which is slightly greater than $H$. And since $\pi=H$, $$I_n < \pi < C_n$$

On each iteration of the algorithm, the number of sides of each polygon is doubled, so that $I_n$ increases a little bit and $C_n$ decreases a little bit. In effect, the hemicircumference $H$ is squeezed tighter and tighter between the two hemiperimeters $I_n$ and $C_n$. In the limit as $n$ approaches infinity, both $I_n$ and $C_n$ converge to $\pi$. $$ \lim_{n \to \infty} \quad I_n = \pi = C_n $$

$\mathtt{apt1002}$ provided a derivation for the $\mathrm{n^{th}}$ inscribed polygon hemiperimeter $I_n$. The iterative operation $M_n=2+\sqrt{M_{n-1}}$ was defined, with $M_0=3$. Also, $M_n$ was specified in terms of the length $L_n$ of the side $BC$ of the $\mathrm{n^{th}}$ inscribed polygon such that $M_n=4-L_n^2$. Solving for $L_n$ we have $L_n = \sqrt{4 - M_n}$. Therefore, the $\mathrm{n^{th}}$ inscribed polygon hemiperimeter is $$I_n = 3 \cdot 2^n \cdot L_n $$

Now we provide a derivation for the $\mathrm{n^{th}}$ circumscribed polygon hemiperimeter $C_n$. Following $\mathtt{apt1002}$'s narrative, we extend $AC$ to $D$ such that angle $QDA$ equals angle $PCA$. This gives us two congruent right triangles $AQD$ and $APC$, with $AQ=1$ and $AP=\sqrt{1-L_n^2/4}$. Let $K_n$ be the length of a side of the $\mathrm{n^{th}}$ circumscribed polygon. Then $QD=K_n/2$ and $PC=L_n/2$. Since the two triangles are congruent, the ratios of their sides are equal. $$ \frac{QD}{AQ}=\frac{PC}{AP} \quad\to\quad \frac{K_n/2}{1}=\frac{L_n/2}{\sqrt{1-L_n^2/4}} %% \quad\to\quad %% K_n = \frac{L_n}{\frac{1}{2}\sqrt{4-L_n^2}} = \frac{2 \cdot L_n}{\sqrt{M_n}} $$

Solving for $K_n$ we have $K_n = 2 \cdot L_n / \sqrt{M_n}$. Therefore, the $\mathrm{n^{th}}$ circumscribed polygon hemiperimeter is $$ C_n = 3 \cdot 2^n \cdot K_n $$

The Python code below specifies three functions. The first function $\mathtt{huge\_int}$ creates a huge integer. It's used to initialize constants and variables, and to scale other variables. Given integer $n$ and exponent $x$, it returns a long integer equal to the value $n \times 10^x$.

The function $\mathtt{huge\_sqrt}$ calculates the square root of a huge integer. Given a long integer $N$ and an exponent $x$, it returns a long integer $\sqrt{N}$. It uses Newton's method, which is derived from the identity $2r^2 = r^2 + r^2$. We replace the second $r^2$ term on the right with $N$, divide both sides by $2r$, factor out the $1/2$ term, and replace each $r$ on the right with $r'$ (which signifies the previous value of $r$). This gives us the iteration equation for root $r$. $$ r = \frac{1}{2} \left( r' + \frac{N}{r'} \right) $$

The main function $\mathtt{archimedes}$ uses Archimedes' method to calculate $\pi$ accurate to $d$ decimal-digits. First it initializes the working exponent $x$, the long integer constants $\mathtt{i4}$ and $\mathtt{i2}$, the long integer variables $M_n$, $I_n$, and $C_n$, and the iteration index $n$. Then it enters the $\mathtt{while}$ loop and iterates until $I_n$ and $C_n$ converge to $\pi$.

$$ $$

def huge_int(n, x):
    return(n * 10**x)

def huge_sqrt(N, x):
    rp = 0
    r = N // 2
    N = N * huge_int(1, x)
    while r != rp:
        rp = r
        r = (rp + (N // rp)) // 2

def archimedes(d):
    x = 2*d+6
    i4 = huge_int(4, x)
    i2 = huge_int(2, x)
    Mn = huge_int(1, x)
    In = 1
    Cn = 2
    n = 0
    while In != Cn:
        Mn = i2 + huge_sqrt(Mn, x)
        Ln = huge_sqrt(i4-Mn, x)
        Kn = 2*Ln*huge_int(1, x) // huge_sqrt(Mn, x)
        In = 3*(2**n)*Ln // huge_int(1, d+6)
        Cn = 3*(2**n)*Kn // huge_int(1, d+6)
        print n, 6*2**n
        print Cn
        print In
        n = n+1
    print "DONE"

$$ $$

Here's part of the output for $\mathtt{archimedes(48)}$. On each iteration, four lines are printed. The first line is the iteration number $n$ along with the number of sides of both polygons. The second and third lines are the $d$-digit values of $C_n$ and $I_n$. Archimedes originally approximated $\pi$ with a 96-side polygon. In order to get an approximation of $\pi$ accurate to 48 decimal digits, we need a polygon with $6 \times 2^{80} \approx 7.25 \times 10^{24}$ sides.

0 6

1 12

2 24

3 48

4 96


78 1813388729421943762059264

79 3626777458843887524118528

80 7253554917687775048237056