Is it possible to jungle with every hero in the game?

I know a lot of the junglers can jungle but can all of the heroes do so? I see no reason they wouldn't be able to but i am not 100% sure if its possible or not.

Short answer: Yes you can. Even with the "squishest" champion, let's say "Sona"

or Karthus

But it's not worth with EVERY champion.

The best jungler are:

  • Clear his jungle FAST.
  • Gank in every opportunity
  • Do not wait level 6 or more for ganks (at level 2~4 you usually can gank with normal junglers)

So, if you are looking for some for fun jungle, go ahead, pick "random" and a smite and go for it (of course, runes and mastery are the most important thing here). But if you are trying to play hi elo, go for the default jungler.

Its possible but its definitely not recommended. Runes are required to determine the speed of a jungler as well as its survivability before being forced to go back to the fountain to heal.