Acer Notebook rightclick not working

Solution 1:

I found a solution for my VN7-571G-56N0 Touchpad:

↳ SYN1B7F:00 06CB:2970 UNKNOWN

My solution isn't nice but its a workaround. Obviously the Touchpad isn't detected by the driver. I don't have another explanation for such a bad configured driver.

Step 1: Download

Step 2: Identify your touchpad ID using xinput

Step 3: Activate the Clickpad parameter with

synclient Clickpad=1

Step 4: Run the with your Touchpad ID as parameter e.g. 11

If this works for you too, you just have to put all this into the startup. I made this by adding "synclient Clickpad=1" at the front of the Script and put it into startup (open dash-> type in startup -> open the programm -> add an entry with the script with your ID as parameter)

This may be a useful link. Especially the Part 'Enabling right button click for clickpads on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS'

Just found a german link related to the topic, but because the asker is german it may help him: Touchpad at You can load the settings a cleaner why by defining a new configuration for the touchpad using udev. There are plenty of possibilites to reconfigurate the synaptics driver e.g. changing the sensibilty or auto-turn off the touchpad while writing. It may help you with your other issue.

UPDATE My Touchpad works well with Ubuntu 15.04 Kernel 3.19 now. Anyway its still marked as UNKNOWN in xinput and theres still an error in dmesg.

Solution 2:

I had the same problem with my vn7-591G-74QT. Adding

    Option "ClickPad"         "true"
    Option "EmulateMidButtonTime" "0"  

to /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-synaptics.conf solved it.

Right click on Synaptic Touchpad not working on Ubuntu 14.10