node.js hash string?

Solution 1:

If you just want to md5 hash a simple string I found this works for me.

var crypto = require('crypto');
var name = 'braitsch';
var hash = crypto.createHash('md5').update(name).digest('hex');
console.log(hash); // 9b74c9897bac770ffc029102a200c5de

Solution 2:

Take a look at crypto.createHash(algorithm)

var filename = process.argv[2];
var crypto = require('crypto');
var fs = require('fs');

var md5sum = crypto.createHash('md5');

var s = fs.ReadStream(filename);
s.on('data', function(d) {

s.on('end', function() {
  var d = md5sum.digest('hex');
  console.log(d + '  ' + filename);

Solution 3:

Node's crypto module API is still unstable.

As of version 4.0.0, the native Crypto module is not unstable anymore. From the official documentation:


Stability: 2 - Stable

The API has proven satisfactory. Compatibility with the npm ecosystem is a high priority, and will not be broken unless absolutely necessary.

So, it should be considered safe to use the native implementation, without external dependencies.

For reference, the modules mentioned bellow were suggested as alternative solutions when the Crypto module was still unstable.

You could also use one of the modules sha1 or md5 which both do the job.

$ npm install sha1

and then

var sha1 = require('sha1');

var hash = sha1("my message");

console.log(hash); // 104ab42f1193c336aa2cf08a2c946d5c6fd0fcdb


$ npm install md5

and then

var md5 = require('md5');

var hash = md5("my message");

console.log(hash); // 8ba6c19dc1def5702ff5acbf2aeea5aa

(MD5 is insecure but often used by services like Gravatar.)

The API of these modules won't change!

Solution 4:

sha256("string or binary");

I experienced issue with other answer. I advice you to set encoding argument to binary to use the byte string and prevent different hash between Javascript (NodeJS) and other langage/service like Python, PHP, Github...

If you don't use this code, you can get a different hash between NodeJS and Python...

How to get the same hash that Python, PHP, Perl, Github (and prevent an issue) :

NodeJS is hashing the UTF-8 representation of the string. Other languages (like Python, PHP or PERL...) are hashing the byte string.

We can add binary argument to use the byte string.

Code :

const crypto = require("crypto");

function sha256(data) {
    return crypto.createHash("sha256").update(data, "binary").digest("base64");
    //                                               ------  binary: hash the byte string

sha256("string or binary");


  • crypto.createHash(algorithm[, options]): The algorithm is dependent on the available algorithms supported by the version of OpenSSL on the platform.
  • hash.digest([encoding]): The encoding can be 'hex', 'latin1' or 'base64'. (base 64 is less longer).

You can get the issue with : sha256("\xac"), "\xd1", "\xb9", "\xe2", "\xbb", "\x93", etc...

  • Other languages (like PHP, Python, Perl...) and my solution with .update(data, "binary") :

      sha1("\xac") //39527c59247a39d18ad48b9947ea738396a3bc47
  • Nodejs by default (without binary) :

      sha1("\xac") //f50eb35d94f1d75480496e54f4b4a472a9148752

Solution 5:

The crypto module makes this very easy.


// import crypto from 'crypto';
const crypto = require('crypto');

const sha256 = x => crypto.createHash('sha256').update(x, 'utf8').digest('hex');


sha256('Hello, world. ');