"Are you sure you want to proceed?" message on login

Solution 1:

I figured it out after some digging. I have a script in my .profile file that changes some settings for touchpad and keyboard. I've been using it for a few years, but didn't get this error before.

Some of the commands from the script seem not to be working anymore:

xinput set-int-prop "VertResolution" 7
xinput set-int-prop "HorizResolution" 5
xinput --set-prop --type=float "Logitech Unifying Device. Wireless PID:4013" "Device Accel Constant Deceleration"


$ xinput set-int-prop "VertResolution" 7
Usage: xinput set-int-prop <device> <property> <format (8, 16, 32)> <val> [<val> ...]

I assume that when .profile is loaded and those errors are returned, the system pops that message, because when I run them manually, I don't get the pop-up.

Anyway, I commented them out and I don't get the message anymore.

So the source of problems was in my .profile

Solution 2:

I got the same thing starting yesterday when I installed updates. I found that any command in .profile that generates output causes this. If you eliminate the output, the commands still run and this dialog doesn't appear. For example, I had a line like this:

xgamma -gamma 0.7

I changed it to this and the mysterious dialog no longer appears:

xgamma -gamma 0.7 >& /dev/null

I don't know why this happens, it looks like a bug. But at least this makes it go away.