error - crashed with 'j.l.NullPointerException' when running Karate Gatling test

When I try to run a Gatling performance test with Karate, I get the following in the error log.

Simulation perf.SVTKarateSimulation started...
17:55:28.277 [][ERROR][Action.scala:71] c.i.k.g.KarateAction - 'classpath:com/TCEU/KarateTests/Test.feature' crashed with 'j.l.NullPointerException', forwarding to the next one

This is how my pom file looks:


And using Karate-Gatling 0.9.5.RC4

This is how my scala file:

package perf

import io.gatling.core.Predef._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import io.gatling.http.Predef._

class SVTKarateSimulation extends Simulation {

  val create = scenario("Get api").exec(karateFeature("classpath:com/TCEU/KarateTests/test.feature"))

    create.inject(rampUsers(10) during (10 seconds)))


And the test.feature file:

Feature: Gatling test

    * url ''

    Scenario: Get api

        Given path '/api/users/2'
        When method GET
        Then status 200

I looked at solutions provided in

Crashed with 'j.l.NullPointerException' when i try to run karate-gatling test reports

and also

But the solutions provided in that does not help either.

I am using Windows 10 with Eclipse Version: 2019-09 R (4.13.0).

I tried to run another project related feature file but that gave the same error so tried a simple test following a video tutorial -

Can someone kindly help please?

Solution 1:

For the benefit of anyone else who faces this issue, the solution is to keep your pom.xml consistent with same version of Karate. My karate-gatling was 0.9.5.RC4 where as karate-apache was 0.9.4. When I made them both 0.9.5.RC4, I did not face these issues. Make sure pom.xml is consistent.