Is there a Perl or Python script I can write which can minimize the Gnome terminal window?
I'm on Ubuntu 14.04 with the old-style GNOME setting from the GDM. (I don't like the new Unity interface.) Is there a way I can create a command that I can type in my terminal window to minimize it? It would be so awesome to simply type min
and the terminal prompt minimizes while I focus on something else.
Solution 1:
First, install the
command:sudo apt-get install xdotool
Then, create an alias to be able to run min as a command:
echo 'alias min="xdotool getactivewindow windowminimize"' >> ~/.bashrc`
Reload the .bashrc file:
. ~/.bashrc
Solution 2:
The following python oneliner will minimize the current gnome-terminal
python3 -c "from gi.repository import Gdk; \
[ Gdk.Screen.get_default().get_active_window().iconify() for i in range(2)]"
Note that we need to call iconify() two times to minimize the window.
Solution 3:
You can just use keybindings of Ctrl+Space to open the window menu, then press N (in an English locale) to minimize the window.