First League of Legends champions

I was curious about who were the first champions when League of Legends was released. Anyone knows? It seems like it's nowhere on the Internet =/

Solution 1:

League of Legends launched on October 27, 2009.

These are the original champions available at launch:

  1. Alistar
  2. Amumu
  3. Anivia
  4. Annie
  5. Ashe
  6. Blitzcrank
  7. Cho'Gath
  8. Corki
  9. Dr. Mundo
  10. Evelynn
  11. Fiddlesticks
  12. Gangplank
  13. Heimerdinger
  14. Janna
  15. Jax
  16. Karthus
  17. Kassadin
  18. Katarina
  19. Kayle
  20. Malphite
  21. Master Yi
  22. Morgana
  23. Nasus
  24. Nunu
  25. Rammus
  26. Ryze
  27. Shaco
  28. Singed
  29. Sion
  30. Sivir
  31. Soraka
  32. Taric
  33. Teemo
  34. Tristana
  35. Tryndamere
  36. Twisted Fate
  37. Twitch
  38. Veigar
  39. Warwick
  40. Zilean

Solution 2:

There are the original 43, but according to Guinsoo in an old post somewhere on the forums, Singed was the first champion they started to develop.

Twisted Fate was one of the first six characters designed, along with Singed, Annie, Sivir, Sion and Lee Sin

Quoted from the Wiki

Solution 3:

Sort by released dates. As you can see the first batch of champions have been released in 2/21/2009.

  • 17 champions 2/21/2009
  • 2 champions 4/18/2009
  • 3 champions 5/1/2009
  • 1 champion 6/12/2009
  • 2 champions 6/26/2009
  • 2 champions 7/10/2009
  • 1 champion 7/24/2009
  • 1 champion 8/7/2009
  • 2 champions 8/19/2009
  • 4 champions 9/2/2009
  • 2 champions 9/19/2009
  • 1 champion 10/1/2009
  • 2 champions 10/10/2009
  • Offical Launch 10/27/2009

A lot of champions have been added from the alpha phase until launch as you can see.