Migrating Mail.app rules from 10.6 to 10.8

I copied all of the user-created <dict>...</dict> items from my old MessageRules.plist and added them to:


When I launched Mail.app again, they were in my rules, but disabled. One click on each and they ran fine.

Note: Simply replacing the entire set of <dict>...</dict> items in UnsyncedRules.plist will not work. You must add them into the current set of items in order for it to work properly.

For all those who tried copying the MessageRules.plist file over from 10.6 to 10.8 and got nothing here's what I did to get them working.

Essentially copy all the rules via copy/paste from MessageRules.plist (10.6) to SyncedRules.plist (10.8) - use a text editor to copy and paste everything from the </array> tags in the old file to the new one. Then restart Mail.

Longer version: Copy MessageRules.plist from Users>User>Library>Mail> on your 10.6 machine to anywhere your 10.8 machine. Open up the file in a text editor and copy everything between the <array></array> Tags. Then paste it all in the file SyncedRules.plist on your 10.8 machine in Library>Mail>V2>MailData inbetween the<array> tags. Restart the Mail app and all the rules should show up in preferences section.

Mail will slowly even create the folders/mailboxes to store the messages in folders that don't exist but are pointed too in your rules that you imported.