How to quickly send new mail without opening mail application?

Solution 1:

Check out QuickMailer. It's similar to LaunchBar but I feel that it's easier to use. Here's a screenshot:

enter image description here

If you're a keyboard-junkie like me, it has shortcuts to compose mail and send mail (Compose: Ctrl + ⌥ + ⌘ + m, Send: ⇧ + ⌘ + d) to speed up the mailing process too!

It isn't free, but it's pretty cheap at 99 cents. I don't own it so I haven't tried it out, but I've heard great things about it.

Hope this helps!

Solution 2:

The Email Support plugin for Quicksilver was updated on 8/17/12 which enables you, once again, to quickly send new email messages. See the qsapp site for more but the updates include:

  • works with Quicksilver in 64-bit mode
  • full documentation provided
  • visible notifications are shown when sending a message fails
  • Compose E-mail action now uses your selected client instead of the system default
  • icons for actions match the application that will perform those actions
  • improved preferences
  • direct sending updated to use MailCore (should support authentication, SSL, etc.)
  • enhancements to the QSMailMediator protocol

After some experimenting I've been able to send messages through easily, but still trying to configure to send in the background and use other mail clients. I'm sure we'll see an article on the Love Quicksilver blog soon...