Alternative to Tuxera NTFS and MacFUSE?

Solution 1:

There are several programs that provide NTFS support. However, I would hesitate to claim that any of these programs can provide 100% compatibility and support.

Here's a subset of the NTFS list in Richard Austin's Blog Champion's discussion of OS X file system choices:

  • Tuxera - I've used this program with no issues in Lion and Mountain Lion
  • Paragon - site claims to support Mountain Lion, personally haven't used
  • OSX Fuse - a freeware successor, don't know if it works with Mountain Lion, personally haven't used

I don't have a retina MBP to test with, but any of these should offer you a good starting point. Since you've already tried Tuxera, Paragon appears to be your best bet, while OSX Fuse would be a good option to try out.

Solution 2:

FUSE for OS X works just fine. I am currently using this in Mountain Lion.

I tried this order and it worked fine.

  1. Install FUSE for OS X
  2. Install NTFS-3G


  3. Install fuse_wait

