PHP: Can I get the index in an array_map function?

Sure you can, with the help of array_keys():

function func($v, $k)
    // key is now $k
    return $v * 2;

$values = array(4, 6, 3);
$mapped = array_map('func', $values, array_keys($values));

When mapping an anonymous function over an anonymous array, there is no way to access the keys:

    function($val) use ($foo) { /* ... */ },
    array(key1 => val1,
          key2 => val2,
          /* ... */));

array_reduce doesn't get access to the keys either. array_walk can access keys, but the array is passed by reference, which requires a layer of indirection.

Some solutions are:

Array of pairs

This is bad, since we're changing the original array. Plus the boilerplate "array()" calls increase linearly with the length of the array:

    function($pair) use ($foo) {
        list($key, $val) = $pair;
        /* ... */
    array(array(key1, val1),
          array(key2, val2),
          /* ... */));

Temporary variable

We're acting on the original array, and the boilerplate is constant, but we can easily clobber an existing variable:

$i_hope_this_does_not_conflict = array(key1 => val1,
                                       key2 => val2,
                                       /* ... */);
    function($key, $val) use ($foo) { /* ... */ },

One-shot function

We can use function scope to prevent clobbering existing names, but have to add an extra layer of "use":

    function($arr) use ($foo) {
        return array_map(function($key, $val) use ($foo) { /* ... */ },
    array(key1 => val1,
          key2 => val2,
          /* ... */));

Multi-argument one-shot function

We define the function we're mapping in the original scope to prevent the "use" boilerplate):

    function($f, $arr) {
        return array_map($f, array_keys($arr), $arr);
    function($key, $val) use ($foo) { /* ... */ },
    array(key1 => val1,
          key2 => val2,
          /* ... */));

New function

The interesting thing to note is that our last one-shot function has a nice, generic signature and looks a lot like array_map. We might want to give this a name and re-use it:

function array_mapk($f, $arr) {
    return array_map($f, array_keys($arr), $arr);

Our application code then becomes:

    function($key, $val) use ($foo) { /* ... */ },
    array(key1 => val1,
          key2 => val2,
          /* ... */));

Indirect Array Walk

When writing the above I'd ignored array_walk since it requires its argument to be passed by reference; however, I've since realised that it's easy to work around this using call_user_func. I think this is the best version so far:

    array(key1 => val1,
          key2 => val2,
          /* ... */),
    function($val, $key) use ($foo) { /* ... */ });

There is no way to access the index within the array_map callback. If you are working with sequential numeric indices, then an incrementing static variable could be used:

$values = ["one", "two", "three"];

$mapped = array_map(function ($value) {
    static $i = 0;
    $result = "Index: $i, Value: $value";
    return $result;
}, $values);


Resulting in:

    [0] => Index: 0, Value: one
    [1] => Index: 1, Value: two
    [2] => Index: 2, Value: three

When using this approach, it's important to use an anonymous function as the callback and to never reuse that anonymous function to avoid referencing the same static variable outside of array_map.