Wildcard Services restart

Solution 1:

Easy, via Powershell:

Get-service SERVICE* | stop-service -force

Get-service SERVICE* | start-service

Solution 2:

You can use wmic and SQL-ish wildcard syntax.

From a cmd console:

wmic service where "name like 'SERVICE%'" call startservice

From a .bat script:

wmic service where "name like 'SERVICE%%'" call startservice

Available verbs include startservice, stopservice, pauseservice, resumeservice, and others. Do wmic service call /? for more info.

Solution 3:

if you want a One Line command,

You can use Restart-Service Cmdlet which is pre built in powershell.

To use Restart-Service simply call the cmdlet followed by the service name:

Restart-Service mysql57

To restart multiple services just specify the name of each service, separated by commas:

Restart-Service mysql57,apache

If you prefer, add the -displayname parameter and specify the service display name (the name shown in the Services snap-in) instead:

Restart-Service -displayname "Mysql 5.7 server"

This Cmdlet accepts wildcard matching as well. To restart all services starting with "mysql":

Restart-Service mysql*