Can an Ansible inventory include another?

Solution 1:

To start with, your example inventory in your question does not respect the schema for yaml ansible inventory and will be declined parsing.

Now to answer your question, you can simply use several inventories at once. Here is a simple example:

I created 3 yaml inventory files:

  • inventories/hosts.yml
  • inventories/otherhosts.yml
  • and finally inventories/shared.yml

From there, it is fairly easy to address all needed hosts. The example below use ansible-inventory for a better output, but the -i option and target selection is the same whith ansible and ansible-playbook

  • Address all hosts in all inventory files inside inventory directory:
    $ ansible-inventory -i inventories/ all --graph
      |  |--host1
      |  |--host2
      |  |--hostA
      |  |--hostB
      |  |--host3
      |  |--host4
    This is equivalent to calling each yaml files in a seperate -i option in this case
    ansible-inventory -i inventories/hosts.yml \
      -i inventories/otherhosts.yml -i inventories/shared.yml \
      all --graph
  • Address only specific inventories
    $ ansible-inventory -i inventories/hosts.yml \
      -i inventories/shared.yml all --graph
      |  |--host1
      |  |--host2
      |  |--host3
      |  |--host4
    $ ansible-inventory -i inventories/otherhosts.yml \
      -i inventories/shared.yml all --graph
      |  |--hostA
      |  |--hostB
      |  |--host3
      |  |--host4

Solution 2:

You could take advantage of what is already there in Ansible:

  1. Using inventory directories, you can specify a folder where all your inventory files are located and they will be included one by one in alphabetical ordering.

  2. You can use multiple inventory sources using either:

    • multiple -i options in the command line
    • the ANSIBLE_INVENTORY environment variable and supply a comma separated list of inventory paths (either directories or files)
    • the inventory option in ansible.cfg to do the same as above.

See the docs.

I doubt that with the above you will not be able to cover your needs. It is better to modify your wrapper scripts and your project's file structure a bit than hack your way into pyyaml and ansible. /intro_inventory.html?highlight=inventory directory#using-multiple-inventory-sources) for more information.