Error while trying to run project: Unable to start program. Cannot find the file specified

This project was working fine, then I restarted my computer to install a new GPU, and now it is producing the following error when I try to run it:

Error while trying to run project: Unable to start program:


Cannot find the file specified.

I have confirmed that the file mentioned does exist at the path specified by the error message.

I have tried to "Clean Solution" and "Rebuild Solution".

Navigating to the executable file manually and running it works. The error above is produced when I press the "Run" button in VS2010.

Does anyone know why this might be happening?

I had this issue on VS2008: I removed the .suo; .ncb; and user project file, then restarted the solution and it fixed the problem for me.

Using the repair tool in the VS Management fixed everything.

(I.e. right click Visual Studio 2010 and select Change/Remove from the Uninstall Programs tool in the Windows Control Panel, and click Repair in the Visual Studio Management window when it loads.)

The only way that I was able to get over this (reinstall wasn't an option) was to set the project properties->web->start action->"don't open a page. wait for a request from an external application."

BTW, I think that at some point this started because of a mod that I made to machine.config. :) And no, I don't remember what it was. It does seem to be this very apocalyptic bug where once you get it never goes away.

So if you found this page from Google, you should know that you are doomed. :)