Double.TryParse or Convert.ToDouble - which is faster and safer?

I did a quick non-scientific test in Release mode. I used two inputs: "2.34523" and "badinput" into both methods and iterated 1,000,000 times.

Valid input:

Double.TryParse = 646ms
Convert.ToDouble = 662 ms

Not much different, as expected. For all intents and purposes, for valid input, these are the same.

Invalid input:

Double.TryParse = 612ms
Convert.ToDouble = ..

Well.. it was running for a long time. I reran the entire thing using 1,000 iterations and Convert.ToDouble with bad input took 8.3 seconds. Averaging it out, it would take over 2 hours. I don't care how basic the test is, in the invalid input case, Convert.ToDouble's exception raising will ruin your performance.

So, here's another vote for TryParse with some numbers to back it up.

To start with, I'd use double.Parse rather than Convert.ToDouble in the first place.

As to whether you should use Parse or TryParse: can you proceed if there's bad input data, or is that a really exceptional condition? If it's exceptional, use Parse and let it blow up if the input is bad. If it's expected and can be cleanly handled, use TryParse.

The .NET Framework design guidelines recommend using the Try methods. Avoiding exceptions is usually a good idea.

Convert.ToDouble(object) will do ((IConvertible) object).ToDouble(null);

Which will call Convert.ToDouble(string, null)

So it's faster to call the string version.

However, the string version just does this:

if (value == null)
    return 0.0;
return double.Parse(value, NumberStyles.Float | NumberStyles.AllowThousands, provider);

So it's faster to do the double.Parse directly.

If you aren't going to be handling the exception go with TryParse. TryParse is faster because it doesn't have to deal with the whole exception stack trace.

I generally try to avoid the Convert class (meaning: I don't use it) because I find it very confusing: the code gives too few hints on what exactly happens here since Convert allows a lot of semantically very different conversions to occur with the same code. This makes it hard to control for the programmer what exactly is happening.

My advice, therefore, is never to use this class. It's not really necessary either (except for binary formatting of a number, because the normal ToString method of number classes doesn't offer an appropriate method to do this).