Mountain Lion Messages Facebook Jabber connection problem

This is a very weird problem I'm having with my Messages app on Mountain Lion. I have two accounts: a Google Talk and a Jabber account that is linked to my Facebook chat. Whenever I open my Messages app, my connection to Google Talk works just fine, but there is always a connection error with my Facebook account. But my Internet is working fine (like, I'm able to browse to just fine). It's not an account authorization problem (incorrect username/password), trust me. To fix the problem, I need to go into Preferences -> delete my Facebook Jabber account -> recreate the account -> boom, connection is working fine again.

But, as soon as I log off from my Messages app (by closing it) and re-opening it, the problem re-emerges. Connection to Google Talk works fine, but a connection error with Facebook again. Perhaps this is an issue with Mountain Lion's implementation of Messages; because it is a newer app than the battle-tested iChat, there are still some rough edges needing to be sorted out.

Anyone having any tips regarding this problem?

PS: I did try to look at this question: iChat + facebook disconnection

Solution 1:

These steps fixed the problem for me:

  • Disable the account.
  • Check 'Automatically find server and port'.
  • Enable the account again.

Solution 2:

To provide the solution I found: Sign in to Facebook on your browser, go to Account Settings > Security > Generate App Password

This will create a unique random password for you to use. Use THAT password instead of your actual FB password. Signed right in.

Solution 3:

I was having the same problem, then I do this:

  • Disable account.
  • Go to Server Settings tab.
  • Uncheck: Automatically find server and por.
  • Uncheck: Use SSL.
  • Enable account again.

Now it works!, my settings:

  • Server:
  • Port: 522