Fast or automatic way to organize iphone/ipod apps

Is there a tool or application that can help me quickly organize my iphone applications? The standard way of dragging and dropping 1 application at a time in folder is too frustrating for me. I gave up after 1 hour of trying... I found it to be such a waste of time ...

I am looking for an application to automatically organize my apps in the standard folder categories at least (Productivity, Navigation, Photography, etc). I was not able to find one in the iTunes store.

Any suggestions?

Solution 1:

Connect your phone to iTunes, go to your phone in the sidebar, and select the Apps tab. There you should find some slightly less tedious app management where you can rearrange icons and/or screens. Perform a sync when you're finished reorganizing.

There's also a Jailbreak app called MultiIconMover, but the Jailbreak apps for messing with icons is a whole other kettle of fish...

Solution 2:

You don't have to do it one icon at a time: just hold SHIFT to multi-select icons on a single page!

(You can multi-select folders along with the icons, too).

Then you can drag them all at once to a new page, or inside an existing folder (or out of a folder).

Much faster than one at a time!!

Solution 3:

Have you been doing the organisation on the device, or in iTunes? I find iTunes a lot easier for this.