Make sure that you use the correct version of 'pip' installed for your Python interpreter located at 'dir:\projectPath\venv\Scripts\python.exe'

I am using python 3.6.5 with PyCharm.

While trying to install any package, it gives the error "Try to run this command from the system terminal. Make sure that you use the correct version of 'pip' installed for your Python interpreter located at 'C:\projectPath\venv\Scripts\python.exe'"

Project path and actual python installed paths are different.

In settings of PyCharm, pip version is 19.0.3 and latest version is 19.3.1

Also, "python -m pip --version" from command prompt says pip version is 9.0.3

What do I do?

Solution 1:

I imagine that you have more than one Python installed in your system. you should go to Pycharm --> file> settings> project>project interpreter.

you should find the other Python instance on your system and try to change your interpreter to that one. if it does not appear in the list click on the button that looks like star in front of the project interpreter.

I had the same problem. I realized that I installed one python by myself and another is installed while installing PyCharm.

After changing my interpreter I do not receive that error anymore.

Solution 2:

This error occurred to me too when using PyCharm, and trying to install MeCab in it. And by choosing mecab-python3 instead of just mecab (which is what is for Python2 I assume...). You might install the package compatible to the Python version used in the package, but not to yours, which is that PyCharm refers to'dir:\projectPath\venv\Scripts\python.exe' . So you should choose the different version of the package, or change interpreter to another.